Friday, June 8, 2012

How To Avoid pregnancy during Menopause

How Early Can I Get An Abortion - How To Avoid pregnancy during Menopause
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Do you know about - How To Avoid pregnancy during Menopause

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Is there a correlation between menopause and pregnancy? Can you come to be pregnant during menopause? These questions are asked quite frequently and the straightforward write back is yes, you can come to be pregnant during menopause.

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How is How To Avoid pregnancy during Menopause

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How Early Can I Get An Abortion.

Expalining The Stages Of Menopause

Let's firstly present the process of menopause. There are regularly three stages and the whole process can can last for between 10-15 years. Perimenopause signifies stage one and is accompanied by irregular periods. The second phase is described as the main menopausal stage. If a woman hasn't experienced periods for 12 months then she has entered the main menopausal phase and in most women, it's accompanied by the usual symptoms such as decreasing estrogen levels along with hot flashes and mood swings. Postmenopause is regularly reached when the base symptons with phase two decline however, complications are still nearby along with the threat of osteoporosis but with regular visits to the doctor, most women will be well aware of this and will be well prepared.

Pregnancy during The Early Phase

Pregnancy is still potential during the perimenopause stage. Periods come to be irregular during this phase and in most cases, women will come to be a petite blase about the use of contraception during sex. What perimenopausal women need to be aware of is that ovulation still occurs during this phase. The fact that periods are still present, though sporadically, should be a clear indication that they are not yet "out of the woods" about pregnancy. It's determined a reproduction safe zone when a woman hasn't experienced a duration for a minimum of 12 months during perimenopause.

It's base knowledge that the older a woman gets the less opportunity there is of reproduction occurring and this is particularly so for women in their forties. Many doctors will encourage women to nevertheless, maintain safe sex practices during this period. Despite these messages, roughly one in two women are still ignoring contraception during the perimenopausal stage. Further concern is that aborted pregnancies during this age group are extremely high.

So the clear message is that yes, menopause and reproduction are very much co-existent. Irregular periods doesn't mean the end of the reproduction phase. Remember, ovulation still occurs and by applying the thorough 12 month duration free rule, women can avoid unwanted pregnancies.

If You come to be Pregnant?

Many women believe there aren't many options ready to them if they fall pregnant. Basically, there aren't. Either go straight through with the reproduction or effect the abortion trail. Menopause is sufficient of a difficult time to negotiate for women let alone having to make major decisions such as Either to continue on with a pregnancy. The body is at the first stage of undergoing major changes which are tough sufficient to cope with on their own but coupled with the demands brought on by a pregnancy, then the stress suddenly can escalate.

Again, the message should be clear; if you are not intending on having children, then be a petite more economical during the perimenopase stage.

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