Friday, June 22, 2012

18. Economic Impact of Population Growth

Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion - 18. Economic Impact of Population Growth.
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How is 18. Economic Impact of Population Growth

18. Economic Impact of Population Growth Tube. Duration : 71.45 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion . Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150) 1) Population in China: Until recently, Chinese families did not much alter their fertility depending on life events like deaths of children. However, under government prodding and eventually coercion, fertility drops drastically in China in the 1970s, but, to counteract momentum, the One-Child Policy starts in 1979-80. 2) Population Growth and Economic Development: In Asia, rapid fertility drops have preceded economic booms by ~15 years. In this time, children grow up and become workers. With many workers and fewer children to support, savings and investments rise causing the boom. Non-Asian countries with rapid fertility drops, like Ireland, fit this model. Sub-Saharan Africa, with still high fertility, makes little economic progress. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Concluding Facts on Population in China 14:15 - Chapter 2. Urban v. Rural Fertility in China 26:15 - Chapter 3. Economic Globalization and China 34:17 - Chapter 4. Economic Motivations for Fertility 46:52 - Chapter 5. Population Growth and Relationship with GDP 57:05 - Chapter 6. Demographic Dividend Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: This course was recorded in Spring 2009.
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