Saturday, June 23, 2012

Unthinkable Chapter 63 P1 - A Justin Combs Love Story

Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion - Unthinkable Chapter 63 P1 - A Justin Combs Love Story.
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How is Unthinkable Chapter 63 P1 - A Justin Combs Love Story

Unthinkable Chapter 63 P1 - A Justin Combs Love Story Tube. Duration : 0.33 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion . ~Mkay guys, So I dunno if this chapter makes real if it's possible, but bare with me, lol.~ Unthinkable Chapter 63 P1 - A Justin Combs Love Story Mariah's POV Back to school it was poo. But the end of the year is coming up so fast, I'm getting scared. I'm pretty sure I'm going to UCLA with Justin. I got my acceptance letter, but I also got one to the college that I wanna go to here, in New York. ---I walked down the hall way at school. I was almost happy today. Justin's friends were being nicer to me because he told them we date. Except Jinsu, he's starting to act stranger around me. Makes me suspicious or something. Casey was like 7 months pregnant. It was weird seeing her in school like that, but she still had friends, and she knew she was a hoe, so she didn't care. She kept taking Justin to her appointments. I'm going to be super disappointed if that kid is for Justin. He's 18, he don't need no baby. And I don't need none of Casey's drama. I put my books in my back pack and sat on the floor. Well I thought I was going to have a good day, until I started feeling sick. It was to early to be sick. Pleh. I felt like I had to throw up. "Hey," Justin said walking up to me. I sucked my lips in, and got up. Instead of saying hey to him, I ran off to the bathroom. Bleh, I threw up. When I came back, Justin was still standing there. "That was rude." he said. "Hey Justin." I said, "I don't feel good." "Aw, baby." he said, "What's wrong?" "Stomach hurts." I said and ...
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