Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Song For Fred Phelps

Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion - Song For Fred Phelps.
The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Song For Fred Phelps.

Do you know about - Song For Fred Phelps

Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion . You check this out article for home elevators what you wish to know is Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion .

How is Song For Fred Phelps

Song For Fred Phelps Video Clips. Duration : 5.92 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Is It Too Late To Get An Abortion . Fred Phelps, supreme commander of the Westboro Baptist Church, dwells in an interesting if not utterly pathetic niche - he's been rejected and mocked by practically every Christian (and non Christian) religious instutution on the planet but is still spends his days wallowing and grovelling like a slave to the meme of the religious institution itself, serving it endlessly though it gives nothing back to him but widespread scorn and condemnation. And he deserves every bit of it, he's a mindless sheep clinging to every outdated word of his Bible who doesn't find it good enough to privately stew in his own irrational, religious hatred of gay people... oh no, he's bitter, pompous and rude enough to force it onto the rest of us by ramming his stupid fucking signs down peoples throats at abortion clinics and state funerals. I recognise his freedom of speech (as the song says) but think that he should lock himself away from the rest of society and save all the uneccesary spectacle of his slow death and all the historical connotations to it that are best left forgotten about. Now that that's over with, I am too chronically stoned (with stones!) and subsequently tired to remember the lyrics in their correct entirity, so it's very much worth it to read the lyrics and probably also to turn it up a bit to accomodate for the poor sound quality (it's been filmed and recorded with a webcam) and general quietness. LYRICS; What a poor little boy All drenched and soaked wet in tormet ...
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