Sunday, June 3, 2012

Global War on Women

How Early Can I Get An Abortion - Global War on Women
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Do you know about - Global War on Women

How Early Can I Get An Abortion! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Global War on Women a reality that exists but men hate to speak about! This war is protracted events that seems to continue permeate the fabric of collective economic religious and cultural life unabated, pervasive and staining the almost every venue of human kind without exception. It seems to have no boundaries but for hypocritical self righteous reasons is often hidden mislabeled and shrouded in secrecy. Reading the headlines every day woman are often caught up, trapped, or trust into horrendous murderous barbaric situations created by men and suffer the worst of the consequences simply because they are available gift and are easy soft targets of minimal resistance.

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How is Global War on Women

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How Early Can I Get An Abortion.

Every day seems to be the same I read about or hear about women being beaten, raped, injured, shot, bombed, abducted, aborted, tortured, sold, used, starved, enslaved, neglected, discredited, imprisoned etc. The sadist thing of all is that women are often duped, cajoled, deceived and forced to be agents of their own sister's demise, and they don't seem to get it! "When war comes the first casualty is Truth."

Men have had countless wars "The War on Poverty", "The War on Drugs", "The War on Terrorism", and the list goes on and on and about the only thing they have in tasteless consistently is they never seem to end. Unfortunately women have been permanently at the town of each storm of war and they all seem to be a "Perfect Storm" for women, inevitably always suffering the most. Developed countries often spout volumes of rhetoric about human rights and woman's rights while simultaneously covertly and openly allocating monies that directly and indirectly destroy and complicate women's lives security and welfare. Right now there are conflicts all across the globe fomenting anticipated violence and destruction, power struggles of weighty portions, and oppression, which creeps into the very bones of societies.

All of this is covered by a thin venire of artificial propaganda called the media. The media is manipulated by men for women's consumption, she is told what to think how to think and when to think it. The majority of images she sees in the media representing her sex are all exactly what she is not, if they are telling her what she is and/or exactly what she is suppose to assume she is then are negative. For example a man can be fully clothed and covered and not only is it preferable it exudes his point and independence. On the other hand the female is always in less clothing, tight clothing or very microscopic at all, her body is the thing of importance. The older seasoned male actor gets the inviting dynamic roles and the female actor of like age and feel may have problem just getting hired period. The man not being so beautiful anymore makes him inviting and the woman of age obsolete?

Women are taught in the west to rail against the oppression of women in many eastern societies because they are forced to cover their bodies, when in reality many eastern women cover because it is the variation in the middle of her being respected in collective and not being respected. Women in western countries I challenge you, for one day dress like a Muslim woman or a nun and see how men react to you (women), then the next day dress in a mini skirt and a revealing blouse and see how men react and their behavior towards you. Sometimes you will find the results disturbing, uncomfortable or even shocking to say the least. Yet and still this is the image of the fairer sex in the media and on film, less clothes. In many eastern countries women wearing more it more often about comfort, respect, self esteem and in many circumstances personal security a man that is less able to imprint on a woman's corporal attributes is less likely to annoy or attack.

The locations where women are under strike is like a laundry list for male desperados, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Myanmar, Somalia, Kashmir, Chennai, India, China, France, Rwanda, Congo, Darfur, Mexico, Liberia, Algeria, Russia, Uk, United States etc. Sorry if I left whatever out (almost no country is exempt), the list is too long. In some places it is rape, others murder, domestic violence, robbery, corporal punishment, forced sterilizations, organ theft, ad hoc imprisonment, denial of food and water, and again the list is off the charts. What a spicy augmentation of male controlled deprivation and purposeful disinformation, that seems to work so well to detach women from their rights while instilling female to female alienation.

Women are not 50% of the world population, as is popularly assumed and media reinforced, but indeed closer to 55- 60%. There are villages in Vietnam that are that are exclusively female with the odd male here and there. In major cities of the Developed world women out number men with surprising disparity, and this imbalance seems to be growing not just because of man's propensity for violence toward man, but because women have superior longevity. One would think that this is a good thing, but it is not indeed because men dominate and operate many aspects of women's lives. After Wwii German women were left with a shortage of men and indeed went so far as to ask the government powers to approve polygyny (the practice of men having more than one wife) but predictably it was flatly refused because the status quo was and is serving men better.

Excess women in community insure male convenience and recreational pleasure with minimal responsibly because women that are underpaid. Under funded, under promoted, and under financial stress thereby ending up under men with less than honorable intent. This fact is not likely to turn because women as a rule do not have cohesive broad encompassing political, social, financial and cultural power. Poor women are easy to compromise and most men prefer the availability of women for affairs, prostitution, mistresses, girlfriends, or disgusting, demeaning porn videos. The bottom line is "men" get what they want cheaply because they do not have to bear the true expenses of having to care for the women he enjoys, as marriage would require. Every woman has a right to marry and be taken care of, this is another right denied women.

Where in the Bible, Quran, Torah or any holy books for that matter does it say women must submit to female circumcision, be the branch of honor killing, submit to abortion to rid herself of a female fetus, kill or give away her female child, or be a sexual outlet for male relatives and neighbors of her family? The sass is clear "nowhere in these books", in fact quite the opposite in each one, yet and still these are the headlines and realities of the mistreatment of women, sad comment to say the least. I am sure if the women of the Congo, Eastern Europe and the Caucuses, Kashmir, Liberia, India, Darfur and Rwanda to name a few, were given weapons and taught how to use them the rapes would stop.

Instead women are given rape counseling and arresting programs sometimes and I am sure these programs are not even available to women in places like Kashmir and Darfur, where the practice (of women and there relatives) is to tell no one and if a fertilization is the supervene (force her to marry her cousin) or put the child with her other children and let her outline out how to survive without a husband. The women of Bosnia are seeking prosecution for perpetrators and restitution for their well documented time in "rape camps" but are encountering monumental apathy and resistance if seems they are all but forgotten. Everybody keeps talking talking talking and very microscopic changes I for one am so burned out with this U.N. Committee and that U.N. Committee, and that assosication on human rights and this assosication on women rights, and the bottom line is no one arms or instructs these women for self defense, they are perpetual victims. In fact it seems all efforts to turn their condition, so women can fight to protect their God given rights is deferred, delayed, decommissioned or denied!

Pretense is the hallmark of men's philosophy when it comes to female security and equality always saying the right things and then development sure they don't happen. Walking or riding along relatively deserted areas (sometimes only dirt roads) early in the morning or at dusk one will see women walking running or bicycling. whatever in fact whatever can see this is a potentially perilous situation for them; lately mountain lions have attacked women under similar circumstances so why wouldn't a man be able to outline this out. I often wonder what these women are thinking, why do they put themselves in that situation needlessly? Please remember many male serial rapist and murders stake out locations like this and use their valid positions (from policemen to dog catchers) as cover to remain unnoticed.

Now we have many men returning home from duty overseas (both forces and contractors) that have done many things to women in distant lands that they themselves are ashamed to talk about, and then there are those that have Developed a tastes for perverse violent acts on women. No one takes the complaints of the wives and sweethearts seriously in a cumulative way because the numerous domestic incidents are evaluated on an individual basis and no attempt is made to join together clear correlations. Remember women on bases and outposts overseas as well as in country are routinely complaining of sexual assaults by there male counterparts to the point that many elect not to use toilet facilities surface their barracks while nighttime hours. Many women join the forces or even become contractors to serve their country and (supposedly) fight for freedom, only to find themselves fighting off male molesters rapist and murders from their own ranks, and finally realizing they are fighting for something they don't indeed have. My God help the families of the murdered women to get the truth from the forces and contractors and may the doers of this evil be punished.

Another disturbing trend is the rash of disappearance and assaults on women on cruise ships, where male predators feel safe to belay, molest, kidnap, and kill women almost at will. One would tend to think a cruise ship is a relatively safe place but it turns out just the opposite is true, the confines of the ship, the sea and the ports ashore lock women into a static situation with male predators. The ports of call often are not female cordial in fact they are often a source of indifference at best and a source greatest danger at worst, coupled with the tendency for women to relax into a false sense of security the cruise lines often artificially create. Women on vacation have disappeared recurrently from the cruise ships and even notoriously from the luxury ports of call like Aruba etc. The saddest correlation here is that of the guilty party or the "person of interest" in the subsequent investigation turns out to be the women's own male friends, acquaintances, fiancées and yes, even husbands.

In this Global War on Women, women are truly an endangered species destroyed, abused, neglected, and ignored on a weighty scale caught up in a tsunami of male calculated aggression, indifference and cover up. The poorest of poor women in a (third world) refugee camps and the richest of rich women of western countries have something in common, they are both part of this Global War on Women like it or not. They are often forced to give up their unborn children, manipulated by the whims of men, never know if the men entrusted with their security will turn on them, are relegated to a status of pleasure object, often live in a state of perpetual fear when alone at home, and know for sure it is not safe to go out at night.

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