Monday, June 4, 2012

Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not favorable for Pregnant Women

About Abortion - Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not favorable for Pregnant Women
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Do you know about - Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not favorable for Pregnant Women

About Abortion! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Eating more fruits and vegetables can take in an enough number of vitamins and fibers, which are the vital nutrients for the amelioration of the fetus. However, the pregnant mothers should not eat without any limitation, because if they eat too much of unavoidable fruits or vegetables, it may bring some private danger to the fetus as well as their own health.

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How is Fruits and Vegetables Which Are Not favorable for Pregnant Women

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from About Abortion.

First, longan and litchi
Although longan and litchi have the effects of soothing the nerves and enriching the blood, and is useful for the spleen, however, both of these two fruits are hot in nature. If the pregnant women eat these fruits, it will fail to accomplish the purpose of tocolysis, at the same time, it may cause leakage of blood, abdominal pain and other symptoms of threatened abortion.

Second, hawthorn
Hawthorn has the effects of promoting blood circulation and contracting the uterus. As a result, if the pregnant women eat hawthorn, it will certainly cause abortion or premature delivery.

Third, watermelon
Pregnant women should eat less watermelon, because watermelon is an sufficient diuretic, which will certainly lead to the dehydration of the pregnant women.

Fourth, peach
Peach is a kind of warm-natured fruit. If the pregnant women eat too much, it will growth the heat in their body, supervene in fetal irritability, and may lead to abortion. What' more, for those who suffer from constipation during the pregnancy, eating immoderate peaches will greatly aggravate the symptoms of constipation.

Fifth, almond
Almond contains some toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid. After you eat almond, the hydrocyanic acid which will enter into the body of the fetus through the placenta, which will supplementary sway the wholesome amelioration of the fetus.

Sixth, potato
Potatoes, especially those which have been preserved for a long time, consist of a large number of alkaloid, which will sway the general amelioration of the fetus after eating, and cause the slow growth of the fetus.

Seventh, eggplant
Eggplant is cold in nature, which may certainly bring damage to the body of people with weak physique condition, especially the pregnant women.

Eighth, purslane
Purslane both can be used as rehabilitation and be made as a dish. But it is cold in nature. Relative experiment proved that, purslane can excite the uterus, promote the contraction of the uterine and growth its intensity, which will certainly lead to abortion.

In a word, all kinds of fruits and vegetables have their advantages as well as disadvantages. As a result, we should try not to eat or eat less of the fruits and vegetables which are bad to our health.

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