Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pregnant After The Age Of 40

How Early Can U Get An Abortion - Pregnant After The Age Of 40
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Pregnancy is already a challenge itself. After the age of 40 is even more complex and risky.

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How is Pregnant After The Age Of 40

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from How Early Can U Get An Abortion.

When reasoning about fertilization after 40 years of age, there occur a wide range of issues such as: How will fertilization affect my health and the health of the child? How will the father feel? How will the new family member affect the other children? How do I care for the child despite that I am getting old? How to raise children in this life era?

Emotions and feelings of a pregnant women or women who plan fertilization at that age are complex and may be faced with a denial, disappointment and fear. Especially women who are not bound or are just separated know that a child will turn their life upside down.

Fertility decreases with age. In theory, a woman can conceive a child until it reaches the menopause but in convention not always. Women fertility begins to fall back already in the late 20 years and slightly faster after 35 years, when the fertilization is becoming more and more difficult.

For the birth is the ideal duration in the middle of 22 and 38 years. Until then, the hormonal and biological health of the female body is such that fertilization and childbirth takes place optimally. The human is young, vital and hormone-balanced. Especially during the 20th and 25th year the female body and its durability is ideal for conception. Because of stronger muscles is a natural childbirth easier and saving faster. In this age is the possibility of spontaneous abortion much lower than usual (about 9.5 percent). It is also less likely that the child will be born with health problems or chromosomal defects. Of course, in this age there is a request of emotional maturity. This is often greater in the late twenties, when a woman is easier to face daily activities and is also more stable. Such is also her enterprise and personal live - much more than, for example, in her early twenties.

The ovary ages first. In the ovary are all egg cells presented from the starting (not like with men where the sex cells enduringly renew). Women are born with all the eggs, which they will ever have, this is more than a million. Just to puberty there remain only about 300,000. Of these, for the process of ovulation mature only around 300. Egg cells are throughout the whole life exposed to all harmful environment and body influence. The older the woman gets, the older are her egg cells. All results show that after 35th year vascular atherosclerosis begins in the ovary. This means that the blood flow to the ovaries gets weaker and gets less oxygen, so it is less endowed and in the ovary begin degenerative processes. Ovary is the one in the body, which first gets older. The more we arrival menopause, less are the ovaries responsive to hormones, which are responsible for eggs ovulation. This is the natural procedure of the decline in fertility and reproductive capacity of our body, to which, after many trials also help bad habits (smoking, etc.). Women, however, may appear youthful, energetic, booming, but in the reproductive sense can be changing.

After the 40th year we risk much more. Women are despite their age after 40 healthier than before, so the body is able to yield and give birth to a healthy baby. That depends on some factors including the corporal fitness, lifestyle and on whether this was the first fertilization to a woman. Late fertilization is also associated with an increased risk for the child and mother. during this time in the body starts to appear some changes and processes. It begins beyond doubt with the ovaries and egg cells that are no longer their own, as it should be. The age of mothers is also addition the frequency of abortion. For the 20th anniversary is this practically 12-percent in women older than 40 years practically 26 percent (figures vary). If a woman becomes pregnant after 45th year, more than half of the cases end in abortion, half of them caused by genetic defects or chromosomal anomalies in the fetus. Down's syndrome, which is one of them, is appearing over the years more frequently so we must do a compulsory sufficient screening test after the age of 37.

Other curative risks contain increased opportunities for caesarean section, stillbirth, premature delivery, fetal growth lock in the uterus, increased blood pressure due to pregnancy, gestational diabetes, proteinuria (appearance of proteins in the urine which a physician checks on the laboratory follow of urine). May be accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as edema (swelling), optical disturbances, headache and pain, placenta Previa, in the last case the mom must rest and the delivery is ending with Caesarean section. Women over 40 year, who have persisting health disorders, are in poor corporal health or overweight, are more likely to have problems during pregnancy. If a woman gave birth at an earlier time, during the 40th and 44th year increases the likelihood of problems with hemorrhoids, breast, bones, high blood pressure, etc. Physicians therefore advice exercises to improve pelvic floor and other exercises to improve the lower torso. With the conception in the late thirties or in the early forties is addition the opening of having twins (or triplets). Over the years are the eggs getting lower potential and the body reacts to that so, that it releases in a particular ovulation more eggs simultaneously. Nevertheless, the likelihood of multiple pregnancies is still very small.

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