Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Force That Produces Direction

About Abortion - The Force That Produces Direction
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Do you know about - The Force That Produces Direction

About Abortion! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The apostle Paul lived in an Olympic culture. He often uses his experiences to bring out Bible truths and have them duly applied to our individual or public problems. Because of the experiences that he had, he compares the race of life with an Olympic marathon. In many respects, the qualities that make a winning athlete also make a winning Christian. Life is not a quick sprint; therefore, when you run the race of life, speed is not as leading as stamina.

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How is The Force That Produces Direction

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from About Abortion.

The Bible records a story about an independent man who balked at the help offered him by a determined prophet of God. His name was Naaman, a great warrior of Syria, who suffered from leprosy. Naaman did well in seeking out the prophet Elisha for healing, but he had a problem. Rather than believing God for his healing according to the direction of His prophet, Naaman instead, had preconceived ideas about how the healing should take place. So, when Elisha sent his messenger to tell him to dip in the Jordan River seven times, Naaman was enraged.

This attitude of Naaman made a slave in his house to react justly. A wise guidance was given to Naaman that prosperity comes to a man when he believes the words of God's prophets. Though, a great warrior and the captain of his countries army, Naaman was not enjoying all-round prosperity. His obedience to the words of God's prophet will well certify that for him. So, he was urged to do as the prophet had said (2 Kings 5:9-14). Naaman followed the prophet's easy instructions, and his leprosy was cured.

If Naaman had continued in his pride, he should not have been healed. Pride makes us self-sufficient. The problem with self-sufficiency is that it shuts the door on much-needed help. When we believe in God, we receive power, a force that produces direction. This force helps us to open ourselves to the helping hand that God provides for our lifting up. God helps us to stand through the care and the love from other people. Getting this help from habitancy who love and care for us, involves igniting the power within us and following the rules.

The first rule in getting help from others is humility. When we humble ourselves before God and others, showing them that we are not well enough in ourselves, help will definitely come our way. What every one of us need is nothing but the force that produces direction. Like a camera, our lives all the time fabricate what they focus on. What you are seeing for is the force that produces momentum. When you know what you are seeing for, you will not be distracted by what you are going through. Jesus had the power to experience because He kept His goal in view.

Naaman missed the mark because he focused on who he is. He allowed the devil to break his focus. The undeniable fact remains that if the devil can break your focus, he can equally abort your destiny. He wanted Naaman to remain a leper forever. Understand that broken focus disables, destabilizes, confuses and arrests. Broken focus will sabotage your goals and blur your vision. Let us learn to avoid distractions on our ways to breakthrough. If only we can stay focused on God and what He can do, we will understand in time that it does not well take focus to start a thing, but it takes focus to complete it.

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